Note #1: The Energy Storage System List only includes battery energy storage systems.
Note #2: Energy storage systems on the list may incorporate a grid support inverter as a component. Grid support inverters are inverters that include advanced functionality and communication abilities and are commonly known as “smart inverters”. Note that the equipment on the Energy Storage System List is capable of different levels of advanced functionality. It is important that you verify with the applicable utility, AHJ, or responsible entity whether specific equipment contains the level of functionality required by their “smart inverter” definition. Information about advanced inverter functionalities can be viewed by exporting the list.
Note #3: “JA12” references the 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards' Reference Joint Appendix 12. This appendix outlines requirements for energy storage systems to qualify for battery storage compliance credit. For more information, contact the Title 24 Hotline at (916) 654-5106 or